Kata teman yang tinggal di Prefektur Yamaguchi "Yang 64 GB, wifi+3G, sebulan 6 ribu, sudah termasuk Internet akses unlimited. Lebih murah daripada prepaid".
「64GB, wifi+3G のは一ヶ月6千円(インタネトunlimited), prepaid より安い」と山口県にいる友達が言いました。
In Tokushima, it is sold at KS Denki Aizumi only.
My friend who live in Yamaguchi Prefecture said "The one who have 64 GB memory with wifi and 3G cost me 6 thousand per month, including unlimited Internet access. Cheaper than the prepaid one.
kaaak..pulang2 bawain iphone donk
udah kuklik ANA nya tuh